The notes and the associated Stock Sale and Purchase Agreement are offered as a guide to NZHCS members. Remember that each individual sale has a unique set of circumstances and members should carefully consider the conditions of sale that will protect both the vendor and purchaser.
The New Zealand Highland Cattle Society Terms and Conditions relating to its use of information and its information systems. Please also refer to the privacy policy and form.
New Zealand Highland Cattle Society (2024)
Grade B Request for Assessment for Female Scottish Highland Cattle. See also the guidelines for owners and assessors.
New Zealand Highland Cattle Society (2021)
A downloadable form that allows confirmation of use and release of information the Society may hold. See also the Privacy Policy under the documents tab.
The Animal Welfare Act 1999 provides for the welfare of animals in New Zealand. It puts obligations on people who own or are in charge of animals to provide for the welfare of their animals.
Ministry of Primary Industries, New Zealand Government (2018)
OSPRI is a partnership between primary industries and government. We manage two national programmes – NAIT and TBfree. We also support the delivery of the Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) Eradication Programme.